Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Oh I love traditions and last night we did our 'You got booed' night and it was so much fun!

The girls LOVE doing this each year and it is something I look forward to each Halloween!

The girls pick who they want to 'BOO!' (it has to be someone for Lily and someone for Alexis...in our neighborhood only. No others, outside our neighborhood allowed!) :)

So, Alexis chose the Sorianos' (Sydney, Pearson and Ford)

and Lily chose the Bush's (Maddie and Bryce)

Them running to the doors.....nervous...cracks me up! ha!

 We always love to go to McDonalds and get a fun treat after! Its such a fun memory! :)

 Ready to go!

 Not sure whyyyyy Alexis' picture will not turn the proper position...but I had to still include it!

 Alexis running up to the house! When she first got out of the car...she just causally started walking up...then she realized...oh!...I am not supposed to be seen! That girl!
Lily took off like a bolt of lightning! ha!
Fun times! Heading to BOO and then to get our treats! (Dont worry...we brought Daddy home some treats even though he was a party pooper and didnt want to go!) :)

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