Saturday, October 3, 2020

Our day!

 Lily and I had a 'just us' day yesterday and it was just a good day. Good for the soul! She is a 100% stinker and hilarious so we had a great day eating lunch and doing some shopping!

First up we had her eye appointment! We got some great news...and are hopeful that the results will be what the doctor thinks. We have been seeing Dr. Patel with Childrens for the past several visits and she was just at a loss as to what the spot is on Lily's eye so she referred us to Dr. Hall. So, we met with him yesterday and he gave us some great news! He thinks we are not going to have to have the spot surgically removed and thinks that with some treatments of this certain eye dropped that the spot will go away on its on. That it has to do with Lily's immune system and a possible viral infection that her body has just not overcome. So, these special eye drops {that have to be compounded} will eliminate the infection and boost her immune system all while helping the redness go away!

So, we cant wait to begin this process and see how it goes! He thinks it will take around 6 months. So, Lily was excited to hear that the spot will be gone {without surgery} and....her eyes were not dilated {she was praying they wouldnt do it because she hates them done} so...we celebrated! We enjoyed P.F. Changs and then some shopping before heading back!

It was a Friday...we were in B'ham...we got some good news....we were happy! :)

This is a glance at the 'spot' that she hates. It breaks my heart that she has it. I have explained...and the doctor's too...that God made her left eye special and just different. Well.....when she has friends and even teachers thinking she has 'pink eye'....its frustrating!

She was soooo hoping the doctor was not going to dilate her eyes! She was SO happy when he didnt have to!
She CRACKS me up! She literally told me...'Mommy, I am hard to impress...and this place impresses me!' bahaha! OH this girl! She inhaled her lunch! We did some more fun things before heading home! It was a great day with her! Stay tuned for her journey with her eye!

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