Thursday, October 29, 2020


 Well...ya know...Halloween 2020 is just like the way the rest of 2020 has been...just different!

So, in the past, I made my 'famous' bloody eyeballs and brains spaghetti on Halloween night for everyone who came over to enjoy. Well.....with COVID...we are not doing our normal Halloween so I wont be cooking but it didnt mean we werent going to keep out fun tradition of eating bloody brains and eyeballs!

So, last night we had a fun Halloween family dinner! It was even better this year because I actually included the 'eye' piece to make the meatballs look more real! Instead of 'green brains'....Lily requested blue and red that is what we did!

It was delish!

We played Pandora's Halloween party radio while we ate and enjoyed our spooky meal!

Just love!

So today we ended up having an impromptu day off due to hurricane Zeta that came through the state of Alabama last night (around 3:30am!) Whew..those winds were rough but thankfully we didnt have any damage and still have power as I am typing this today. I have not heard of any casualties so that is a blessing too! But with alot of people without girls have found ourselves relaxing at home today! I will take it! 

Creeeepy...but yuummmyy! ha!

They loved the candy eyeball touch and the Halloween music this time! Those items will be added to our tradition from now on! That is one thing that hasnt been so bad about the fact that things have had to change but because of the changes....we have discovered how things can actually change...for the better!

Since we were home....we worked on some Halloween fun for the trick or treaters that come. The goal is for them to follow these 'rules'....

We shall see how it goes to them only taking two pieces because I plan on just having the candy bucket out for them to pick what they want!

Alexis did the writing....and Lily did the hand prints!

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