Monday, October 12, 2020

Her last game

 Tonight marked the last of her first year on JV. This season has been extremely unique and through a pandemic we have made it through the season with all the games being played! Now...the eighth graders are pretty bummed that they had to miss the last two games due to being quarantined...but the seventh graders were thrilled to actually get to play so I guess that means its a win-win!?

To mark the last game, we went out with a bang. A not so good bang...because we got stomped by Piedmont but I hate to say it........we all knew it was going to happen. I mean Piedmont has boys that look like monsters they are so big. A seventh grader is 17 instead of 12 soooo ya know, thats how Piedmont roles! :)

It was a perfection of a night for our last Monday night lights for this season. I cant wait to keep seeing her shine as her years of cheer continue! Now...on to basketball next! I have to be prepared and get in a good mindset for it is not my favorite.

The boys! I got a quick snap of them. It cracks me up! All of them are looking tough...and then there is Sam Parker. Sweet SP. He is cheesing away! :)

Last football game as a 7th grade cheerleader for these girls!
The team! I have loved watching them cheer!
Action shot!
Go Eagles!
Great job!

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