Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Alexis' Freshman year cheer camp in the books!

 The Seniors voted to have cheer camp at Great Wolf Lodge instead of the University of Alabama or at PCB in Florida................to which we were all surprised but they love it and they had a great time and it was an easy drive over so Lily and I along with Abby Grace got to join in on the fun!

I can't wait to watch this squad ROCK this upcoming season! They did so great at camp and looked so good! SUPER proud of them!

Alexis wasnt able to try out for All-American but she enjoyed watching her Senior friends make it! They won grand champions in their overall game day performance and 3rd place in Camp cheer/dance! 


They got to mix fun with cheer and all the things in between! Sweet memories that Alexis will carry for a lifetime!

Theme night..........they were the best! Junior High is mixed in as their theme were football players. Varsity did 'who's your Daddy!?'............hilarious them dressing up like Dads! 

These four Freshman! Love them and love their bond! Poor Madison was sick and had to leave so she missed out.

So funny!

LOOK at my girl! She was so awesome in all the pyramids they did! Im not just saying because she is mine...but she looked the best and just was perfection!

They had so much fun doing all the things together! I loved getting all the pictures since I failed to take many!

Aaliyah and Lex!

We saw Lily! We love her!

My crew!

LOVE this picture! My freshman and my future Golden Eagle cheerleader...............though...........Lily says she is still debating if she'll be a cheerleader! I hope she does but we shall see!

Bummed only the Seniors got to try out for All-American because the chick shined and I know she would have made it but seeing her with their big wins was awesome as a squad!

The littles wanted a picture with the bigs!

Alexis said she loved her UCA girl, Erin. Alexis told me that she got engaged the night before by the head UCA guy!

The best squad!

Love all of them!

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