Sunday, June 12, 2022

Weekend for friends

 Though it isnt true....both my girls act like they havent gotten to see their friends allll Summer. So....yesterday they made up for lost time!

We all loaded up and spent the day at the pool and it was a beautiful and low-key day! We ended it with more pool and pizza at the Sorianos before Pearson spending the night with Lily. 

Today was filled with Church, lunch and the Alexis has cheer practice from 12:00-9:00pm to work on competition material. Pearson and Lily are out playing their hearts out with Callie as she rode her bike over.

They both are living their best lives.

Tyler and I are currently doing laundry and working on a paper and a powerpoint. :)

These 3 had the best time and did the slide approximately 80 times they said!

No fear!

Meanwhile...these 3 were toooooo cool for school!

Then they also did the slide some...swam some...and did different dances and laughed. So they enjoyed it too! :)

Misty, Cassell and Calhoun came too! Calhoun would NOT go down the slide by himself. This is the best Tyler {or Joe} could do......................BUT......please note, I got him to go down with me but by himself! Scoring points for myself!

Dugger Mountain for the WIN after a full day of swimming before heading to swim more and eat with all the other crew!

And....Aubie and Soccer got a new treat today! They both are not sure about I may have to take it back. Not one of them has drank from it and the only thing Soccer has play in it! Good grief! So..we shall see on this thing!

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