Saturday, June 25, 2022

The BEACH! is our happy place!

We count down the days every year to when it is time for our trip!

This year we kept it super simple! We had more full day and afternoon beach and pool time this year instead of going in early to get ready and fight the crowds. But...we did our fun shopping, yogurt eating, movie watching, put-putting and go-carting while eating dinner out as well! We had a great balance!

I didnt take many pictures this year either as I tried to just put my phone away and enjoy it all!

It was so nice!

It was pretty much.....beach, swim, play, eat, swim, play, eat, play.......throw in some Mexican train....and repeat.... you get the idea! :)

I literally lost track of my days so these pictures are not in order as I cant remember what day we wore and did what....

Us girls were ready to hit the BEACH!

Saturday....Sunday and Monday we stayed in the condo and cooked out and just did all the things pool and beach until bedtime! The girls played and played and we were out from 8:30 until 9:30pm just doing all the things!

The water was gorgeous! The middle to the end of the week seaweed was gross so we were glad we soaked up the beach as much as we did before it hit!

Tyler got this scuba mask and it was a hit!
Checking out all the things under the sea!

Nothing but under the water!
We decided to hit Shuckums and then yogurt one afternoon! Ahh...Paradise! She was also thrilled because she didnt have a shower and got to go straight back into the pool and beach to swim once we got back! 
We ended most nights...................with this! Perfection!
Another beautiful day!
This guy...and me!

We've been going strong....for decades now! :)
There was NO question she was going to WIN the this competition! The others didnt even come close to standing a chance! Alexis and her both are PROS!
We loved playing Mexican train! We had some big games between us that played! Gran, Daddy, Lily and me!
Just a gorgeous teen and day!

And...a pre-teen too!

I remember what day this was!  We tried a new place and it was SO good and for sure a place we will eat in the future! Runaway Island! Loved it!
The atmosphere and fun and good!
I could have taken a ton of pictures in this restaurant! Between the lighting...the decor, love!
Then...HAVE to have a picture in front of the beach ball before going to watch a movie!
Jurassic Park for the win! We all loved it!
The other side of the movies! Tyler was on the other side of Lily...and Ben is on the other side of Mom!

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