Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Lily and Great Wolf!

 Lily was super excited to find out that not only was she able to bring a friend............but get to reap the benefits of Great Wolf since Lex had her camp there!

She was PUMPED!

I didnt take many pictures but we enjoyed it and enjoyed seeing Alexis here and there as we were not able to see her until the last day {evaluation day} technically!

Abby Grace and Lily did all the things and had two other friends there, Lauren and Riley....and then the tag along, Reece, that followed them around like a little puppy too! They all had so much fun!

How many times can you float around a lazy river....................as many times as your heart desires!....and that is what they did!

What I learned. Great Wolf is a one and done deal. I wasnt impressed at all! It was hot and loud in there and the chlorine burned your eyes. It was super crowded and SUPER expensive with not a whole lot to do for what the price makes you think. I am glad we got to experience it but SUPER glad I have not made this a vacation trip like I had thought to want to! Tyler probably would have gone home if this was a vacation trip because it was no vacation at all. ha!

These two did all the things including the big slides like the one behind them. Let me tell you...you can only go up all those 100 stairs a couple of times...and wait in the lines....before you are exhausted and done! ha! Whew....is all. :)

Ice cream for the win...................but not for my wallet! WOW!

FRIENDS! They had a blast!

They let Reece actually ride with her and look at her face..................she was THRILLED to not only be with them....but ride with them!

Last day! Future cheerleaders ready to go cheer on the Varsity!

They had fun together! Lily has been looking forward to this for awhile now and she had the best time! She cut her finger on a slide...and that didnt even stop her! She was determined to not slow down and be with her friends!

We were home maybe 3 hours before Lily headed off with Mrs. Misty to VBS with Cassell and Calhoun so I know once she is back home, she is going to crash! She wouldnt have it any other way though for sure!

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