Thursday, June 9, 2022

My heart is broken. So hard to write this post. We love Tickles

 I keep hoping and thinking she is just going to pop up on our back porch like she hasnt been missing for a week..........

but as each day goes on............

I know she isnt coming back.

We have no idea what has happened to her. We have walked the streets....put a post on our neighborhood Facebook page asking anyone to let us know if she is found. I guess it is fitting since we have no idea how she even came to us. We are heartbroken though. So sad!

She ruled the neighborhood. I would see her laying on a neighbors back porch and then next thing she would stroll over across the street. Everyone loved her. Our neighbors, the Davis', called her Bobtail because she had no tail. She was loved.

We still to this day have no idea where she came from.....why she chose us out of all the other neighborhood homes.........but she loved us and we loved her!

Every single morning, she would be at our back porch and she would start meowing as soon she heard anyone moving for us to give her food bowl to her. It was always the sweetest little meow.

She would sit by our door when she wanted to come in. And then sit by the door when she would want to go back outside. She didnt come in much because she so enjoyed being an outside cat. She LOVED chasing and catching chipmunks. She would never kill them. Just catch them...hold them in her mouth and then let them go. Once they got their bearings, she would let them run some and then scoop them up again before letting them go. It was always a game to her!

She had a TON of friends! There were always 3 or 4 different cats that she would allow in our backyard and to come up to the porch and eat her food. 

She let the raccoons and the opossums eat her food as well and just continue laying on the outside chair or wherever as I would always bust open the door stomping and yelling at allll the cat friends and any other animal to get off the porch. She would ALWAYS just look up at me and I wouldnt phase her as all the other animals took off like lightening! 

Every one of our neighbors...and especially Tyler.....can SOON as their grill would be heating up and they would start prepping for grilling out.....they would feel something soft rubbing up against their legs! Tickles would be RIGHT ALL kinds of love to try and win a piece of whatever it may be that is on that grill! :)

She LOVED waiting on the bus with Lily every morning. She would rub in between her legs and just sit right beside her every morning. When the bus would come approaching she would leave because she knew Lily would be getting on. 

She would NOT drink out of a water bowl. She LOVED jumping up and laying on the bird bath and drink her water from there. It was always so funny to see.

OH...she was a perfection of a pet. I miss her so! She was my favorite. 

When she first came to us...when it stormed I would be so worried about her being out in it. I would call her name and she would come running to me. Sometimes she would run into the house and stay in with us and then sometimes she would just curl up under the covered area and be just fine as she knows how to old her own. 

A lab puppy came up on our porch one time and she bowed up and started pouncing toward him and hissing. I had never seen her do anything like that and that poor dog took off running. She was not having him up there! That was a sight to see!

The time she climbed all the way up so very very high in one of our backyard trees to escape a dog that was trying to get her...amazed me. I, for one, had never seen a cat climb as high as she did and two, the fact that she climbed herself all the way back down when she felt the coast was clear. I was late for work that day as I was not leaving until she came down. I thought I was going to have to call the fire department because I had always thought cats cant get down and they have to come and help. Well...nope...not Tickles.....she climbed on down.

So, November 2015 she came into our lives and she will now be forever missed.

Here is a throwback of some pictures through the years though throughout my blog, there are so many good ones and memories of her with us!

Our very first time meeting her! November 2015! SUCH a long time with our sweet girl! Well, we didnt know if she was a girl or boy in the beginning! I took her to the vet and said if she was a girl to have her fixed...well they called me and said yes, she was but that she had already been fixed. Scar and all to prove it. Soo.....besides having her belly shaved, she didnt have to have another surgery! No idea how old she was in this picture.........but I do know one thing....LOOOOOK at Alexis and Lily! {Insert tears here!}

She loved these two!
Through the years!

She was always in our family Christmas pictures each year!

Our last pictures of Tickles. She just sat and wanted to be right by Lily as I was taking her end of the school year pictures a couple of weeks ago!

We are going to miss her. No other cat will ever replace her! Hands down the best cat I have ever had!

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