Saturday, June 25, 2022

This cracks me the beach!

 More lazy beach days and fun in the sun!

Catching the waves!

Always a favorite picture!

Toes in the sand at sunset! Here is where I crack up! Soooo...Alexis REFUSED to put her toes in the picture with us. She pretty much refuses ANY picture with us these days..............stay tuned...


Beach bum!

Loving the lazy life!

And...then there is THIS! She made him take a GAZILLION pictures.... just like this! I was dying! I mean....wont take a single picture with us....but will take pictures like this.....

And this....................

And....this.....for hours! :)

I just dont understand...but whatever....

I have to say....this filter she put on of this one that he took.....looks great! ha!

Another beach night....another movie at sunset!

Meeting friends always makes it more fun! This crew had a blast together!

These girls had a great time playing...and with Brody too! 

Alexis, Ella Kate, Lily and Sophie. They have been down every year with us but this year they really bonded. They all said they cant wait until next year to do it all again!

A night out. We went to Angelos and then to play putt-putt and then go-carts...oh and shopping and yogurt {again} first!

Golf or go home!

I beat him! :)

This girl got a hole in one!

This girl hit her ball like she was trying to hit a home run in baseball and knocked it all the way into the water............where her ball was lost forever! :)

Then this girl rode a go-cart all by herself for the first time! Stay tuned for that info!

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