Sunday, June 5, 2022

Our weekend!

 Its been sort of a low key weekend since we are missing one!

We took Lily to the Piedmont pool and we enjoyed a long day there until we came home to head to the pool again...for Pearson's pool party!

It was such a beautiful day!

Today is all about working on school work and gearing up to head to Alexis' cheer camp so Lily and I can see her! Lily will also be throwing in some fun at the water slides with Abby Grace there will be that as well! :)

Lily looked so adorable in her bathing suit! 

And her sunglasses!
Her favorite was her the pool party at Pearson's with her friends!
And...they ended the party with a water balloon fight! We enjoyed catching up with everyone since we have been so busy and havent seen them!

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