Thursday, June 2, 2022

First and last day of 4th grade!

 So I missed posting this in May..........then I missed 'Wordless Wednesday' I know it is June and she has been out of school for a week{ish} but I love to see how much growth has happened in a school year so I am doing this post now!

Better late than never!

The beginning of 4th grade! 

We started out the year with COVID still being a big key factor. Still unsure of what to do and how to function with it. It's like the twilight zone and deja vu because we literally never thought its going to end! 

To the end!

COVID is still around, however, the world has calmed down with it finally! Mask mandates have ceased finally and we no longer have to quarantine if exposed. I swore the word quarantine and 6-feet apart was never going to leave my vocabulary but it finally has!

You still see some people wearing masks in stores, etc but for the majority it is a thing of the past. I still havent 'burned' mine, yet, just because we never know when it could flare up and us need them so I still have them stuffed in a cabinet! I still hear and know people that have COVID though different from the past.....if someone has it now.....we dont all look at them like they have 15 heads and should be stricken from the earth at least. It is just something you have...a sickness...and we go on about our business which is SO MUCH different than it was even at the beginning of this school year! JUST crazy I tell ya what we have been living through! Just no words!

This girl has hit a huge growth spurt!

I know one thing.............this girl is ready for 5th grade! She no longer wants any association with being 'little' or a 'baby' or anything of that nature! She wants to be a big 5th grader. She wants to shave her legs...she wants to wear sports bras {I know, she is going to kill me for writing ALL of this} and the list goes on.... {insert sad face here, she is getting grown!} :)

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