Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial day weekend and our 1st time out!

 ALWAYS love when we go out kayaking in Piedmont on the land. We have our 'secret' spots we go and I just love going though we dont get to go as much as I would like. It is alot of work to do it....and we ALWAYS have some type of experience...every.single.time. such as tipping over...or loosing a paddle or like this trip...Lily and I getting stuck under a tree and Tyler then starting to pull us out through the tree instead of around the open way. Yeah...that was fun. not. :) is beautiful and I hope its a memory that the girls will look back on and smile from their childhood!

Our first time out for this year!

These two were excited!

Just the beauty!

My favorite!

A picture with the front of mine to prove I was there too! :)

The was the first float that both girls actually were pros! Whenever there was a spot that was a little rough or whatever...........they both cruised right on through and knew how to handle the situation. We have prepared them and this time they put it all to use! It was so fun to see!

Lily did awesome!

Love! We capped off our long weekend with grilling out and then as if we havent gotten enough quality time with the Messers but we dont care.........heading to their house with the Rays here in a little bit to eat dinner!

Great way to end an awesome weekend!

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