Saturday, May 21, 2022

Spring football game and her 1st freshman experience!

 It is ALL she talks about....

I am a FRESHMAN now!

I am in 'official high school' now {her exact words}

She is so excited and was so excited about the Spring football game last night as she got to cheer as a Freshman!!

Jacksonville BLEW Wellborn out of the water! We looked so good so it is going to be an exciting football season this Fall!

It was a struggle....she literally ran around the truck two times from me and then I told her we werent going to leave until she let me...........then she did. I got a picture! :)

 Cant wait!

These Freshman are so excited and it was so fun watching them!

In action!

She is so proud that she gets to be a flyer! She has been basing too so she has enjoyed learning that role and knowing what she does as a flyer really affects the bases so it has been a great experience.

She's pumped she's on the front row too! :)

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