Friday, May 6, 2022

A little life lately!

 A little life lately that we have been up to. Alll the things concerning the end of the school year is upon us!

Lily gave me a 'Save the Date' invite the other day for her 'Learning Celebration' sooo alll of those end of the year fun is here!

LOOK at sweet baby Maggie! Her very first stroller ride! And....she is 'waiving' too! So excited to see her blooming!

Alexis had her Big Sister/Little Sister cheer reveal the other day! 'Big Alexis' got her and Hannah Kate! My Alexis was SO excited!
This upcoming cheer season is going to be great!

End of the year CHPW celebration to kick off Summer was a hit! The food, atmosphere and co-workers were a favorite!

So fun when there is a photo opportunity! Love these ladies and all my co-workers!

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