Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Schooolll's out forever!

 Well....school may not be out forever....


school's out for SUMMER!

{Name that tune!} :) Lily has been singing it all morning so I thought it was fitting to have the end of school sign have that saying! ha!

Lily and Alexis have both had a great school year!

Cant believe Lily will be rounding out her elementary days soon and Alexis will be a Freshman!

Soo....you know the story....Alexis refused an 'end of school year picture' for me...

her last day was this past Thursday since semester exams were Friday and then this week so she has enjoyed sleeping late and relaxing at home. She actually has been a big help by doing some cleaning, etc for me while she has been at home!

So...today marks Lily's last day!

She is growing up so fast! She loves the fact that her foot is as big as mine...she loves that she is growing up!

Notice a friend in the picture! :)
Then Tickles wanted to pose with Lily!

Sweet Lily!

5th grade bound!

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