Friday, May 20, 2022

Field day 2022 and I just give up!

All the end of the school year things are happening and BOY do they like to pack it all in towards the end!

I saw something funny on Facebook that said....'The school is literally trying to kill parents at the end of the school year for all the things their child has done to them during school.'

I believe it! :)

Yesterday marked Alexis' last day of her 8th grade year!

She was exempt from ALL semester exams due to her awesome grades and her attendance.

Do you think I got an 'end of school year' picture of Alexis............


she flat refused and even if I tried she was hiding behind her book bag and wouldnt let me take a picture.

Lily had her fun day yesterday. It was full of games, face painting, Kona Ice and just FUN! She came home saying it was the BEST day!

And today marked Field day 2022!

This day is always a BIG day as Lily is SO competitive. So much so that she HAD to have a field day actual shirt...not just wear a red shirt since her class is Team Red. 

She wore a red scrunchie in her hair....has red sunglasses in her beach bag as well as ALLLLL the things stuffed in that bag. Sunscreen, beach towel, fan, water sprayer, a frozen water, a frozen Body Armor, an unfrozen Body Armor, two snacks in case she needs them and I just dont even know what all else she stuffed!

Do you think I got a picture of Lily allll decked out in her team gear?!


SEE it!

She looks like she is literally dying and in pain for me to TAKE ONE PICTURE!

Look at her face!

Her face was literally screaming at me...'MOMMA, I am NOT taking a picture!' As she literally said that to me before and after I took the picture! :)

So....I give up....

I may have to end the blog....

because both my girls are miserable for me when I ask them to smile.

UGHH!! :)

Lily is bound and determined that her team is going to beat all the other class teams today so we shall see!


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