Sunday, May 29, 2022


 We got the girls D.O.N.E. with all the end of school things so Tyler and I jetted off with Emily and Chris to Las Vegas for a few days and we had a great trip!

We are now back, tired but reliving and laughing at all the fun we had!

We were soooo excited! Taking off!

Our lunch view! We ate right across from the Bellagio and enjoyed this view, the food was amazing and people watching along the strip! 

Then we walked around and went in and out of all the different casinos/hotels! I just cant wrap my head around how BIG they all are and how unique and intricate too!

My travel partner!

Every place we went in.....was so detailed and planned out!

We had the best time with Chris and Emily!
This was at the Cosmopolitan hotel. Just beautiful! This was a HUGE chandelier! Just SO fancy in there! 

This was at the Venetian. Just amazing! Everywhere.....sooooo detailed!

Us two.....this was our 'turning 40' this picture...perfection!

Our crew!

End the night with this view at the Venetian before heading to the room to unpack...........and CRASH because we literally threw our luggage into the room and took off at the beginning! 
FYI.....this INSIDE a building! Yep, that sky is not real............soooooo cool!
Stay tuned for the other fun days!

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