Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Lily's end of the year celebration day!

 For marking the last day of school...

Lily had her 'End of the year celebration' where she went through and showed her Daddy and I her notebook full of all the reports and awards and scores that she has done throughout the year.

She also showed us her big end of the year project that she completed.

It was on Lillies since its her name and she loves flowers........per her! :)

She was so proud to show us her stuff and get one last and final picture with her favorite teacher, Mrs. Smith!

{And....no you are not going crazy....the 'last day of school post'........Lily was wearing a pineapple dress. Well, it is a rainy day and she decided she didnt want to wear a dress...but I had already taken pictures!} :) So.......now she is wearing this...though it is the same day of school! :)

Showing off to her Daddy!
Love my girl!

Her big school project!

So proud of her!

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