Sunday, May 29, 2022

Day 2 Vegas!

 Day 2 we were up BRIGHT and early....grabbed our rental car....loaded it down with everything we needed and set OFF!

This was the BEST day!

We had some ideas of what we wanted to see/do but no plans....just the road and us!

The road trip was so fun! We talked, laughed, pulled off to this stop and then saw this and watched that....for example....ALL the dust bowls we saw! The rattlesnake Tyler ran over. The cow we had to stop for to cross the road. The Joshua trees that Emily was so amazed by. The route 66 experience, the longest road in America with no stops that was just bare land and dust since we were in the Mojave (or Mojave) desert! The antelope we saw, the beautiful almond and pistachio trees, Chris turning into DJ Chris (and all of his trivia questions)....all the things....just so fun!

We started off with the Hoover Dam. It was AMAZIGLY impressive! To think that in 1936 they did what all they did! It only took them 5 YEARS to build it as well. My mind....just blown. I dont think it could all be done that quickly and hold up like it has this day and time and to think they had nothing back then and built this! We took a tour of the inner workings and it was so neat to learn the history!

Only 96 people died while working on this too! Unbelievable! 
The view....amazing and pictures just doesnt describe it!

This was from the other angle with the water. Just beautiful!

We loved our first stop!

This was looking down at the bottom of the dam. Below is where we toured!

This was inside the picture above. The turbines generating the power and water. Just crazy! 
After the Hoover Dam we headed on and ended up on Route 66....or what is now Route 66. It doesnt exist any longer due to highways and interstates coming into existence but we enjoyed the nostalgia of what was left! 

Route 66 could take you anywhere back in the day!

We ate lunch at Mr. D'z on Route 66! It was an 'original' diner! The food was just okay....but it was neat to feel like we were back in the day!

Parked out front. Picture that police car back in the day!

Next stop...the Grand Canyon! It will have its on separate post next!

After that....we made it to the sign! I have to was smaller than I thought it would be!
Love this picture!

This cracks me up!
Next up....Pawn Stars! We were disappointed it was closed especially because we thought its open 24 hours but the actual shop isnt. But we looked in the windows and it all looks exactly like what we see on the TV show. We didnt get to meet any of them.....bummer...but it was neat to be there!

Right down from the Pawn shop....was a wedding chapel so of course we walked down and checked it out!

Us love birds!

This cracks me up too! One of the workers came out and told us how and where to pose for the pictures! We did as he said! ha! was a long day...but we were all soaking it up.....headed to Fremont street! Talk about people watching at its finest! All the longest electronic overhead motion screen that constantly changed with beautiful scenery was amazing!  The view we had above us on this picture was ocean waves! We ate at an amazing restaurant inside the Golden Nugget casino and then walked around for a bit before calling it a day!
It was the best day! 

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