Saturday, May 14, 2022

Alexis' first solo!

 I have waited for this day......................for a very long time!

She has such a beautiful voice and sings all.the.time.

so much so that sometimes we have to tell her to stop because we cant concentrate........or hear our TV show,etc. 

Her nickname was hummingbird because she constantly sung and hummed even when she was a toddler!

She still to this day sings herself to sleep as she has done since she was a baby!

But...........she just has never wanted to sing in front of the world until finally she got the courage to tryout for a solo and she surprised us during her Spring choir concert the other night!

She didnt tell us she was doing a solo until we pulled up to the school! She wanted to surprise us but just couldnt hold it in and gave in right when we got to the school!

She did SO good and I am SO proud of her and her courage to step outside her comfort zone!

Alexis loves her friends in her class.

So proud of her!
Getting ready to perform!

She just shines I tell ya!

So beautiful!

Her song was Fly Away! I have never heard the song before but it is now my favorite! :)

Some of her cheering section!

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