Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Grand Canyon

 We had amazing pictures at the Grand Canyon so it deserved is own post!

We didnt know the set up....we thought we could just drive up and do what we wanted. Well, we had to park and pay. There were two stops and the first stop wasnt very impressive but the second stop we were able to hike and do our own thing and the views were just incredible! The 2nd stop was totally worth all we paid and the effort to going!

Amazing how deep...and how it is just in the middle of nowhere too!

It was as far as my eye could see!

Eagle Point. 

This part of Arizona was the Native American land so there were examples like this of how they lived around the area. Tyler enjoyed checking out all the landscaping! 

So fun!

One of my favorites!
Just amazing...I know...I keep saying that!
These two enjoyed being with each other!

Fun times!

Yeah...the HUGE drop off...just over those rocks to the right!
On top of the world together!

The 2nd stop was so awesome! It was all of our favorite! We climbed this and though it may not look so high in this was! It was a trek to get to the top as well! My legs were sore the next day! So glad we got a car and took off on a fun road trip day!

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