Monday, May 9, 2022

My Mother's day weekend!

 It was slightly chilly but beautiful weekend to celebrate all the Moms!

My day was low key with Church and lunch followed by us just relaxing at home. We had game night and just enjoyed being at home before starting a new week!

I am grateful and thankful for being chosen as Lex and Lily's Mom. Being a mother isnt easy and knowing if I am doing a good job....or succeeding as a mom is a daily question. No doubt when you have a teenager, you 'arent cool' anymore............'you dont know everything' anymore......and the list goes on. You are 'mean' when you wont let your teenager where a shirt as a dress out because it is too short though to is a dress and just fine. :) To me, Mother's day is about realizing that if when you think you've failed, I have two girls that I am so proud of and know that they think Im pretty okay! :)

I needed this homemade card more than she will ever know. This is more than gold especially since she said she wrote it from her heart and took the time to do it!

Loved all of Lily's gifts too. She made this flower arrangements with chocolates in the center for me!
My girls. I am one proud and lucky Momma!
Love my little family!
Lunch at Red Lobster. So good!
Saturday night we had a great dinner at the Walkers with this crew for Derby day!

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