Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Lily's first camp!

 She has been talking about this........and waiting for this........

for months!

The day has finally come that I dropped Lily off to her 1st away from home camp.

OH..........she is just so excited!

I cannot wait to hear allllll about what she has done once she is back Friday! Another friend was talking about Camp Lee and how that camp is so fun. It is a week long camp. She is already asking me if she can do this camp again {and she hasnt even done it yet} :) and that one next Summer! I told her I will see! :)

SO ready! SO excited! Just pumped! She loves that she knows some friends...especially Rachel, Sophia, Stella, Issiac, Bennett and even our neighbor Brodie!

These three will be in a room together! Lily has supposedly called top bunk. We shall see how that all turns out once she is back!

Rachel, Sophia and Lily!

The whole crew loading before they were off!

Im excited for her and know she will have a blast. I doubt she will miss home at all and I am fine with that because of how excited she is!

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