Tuesday, April 25, 2023

A graduation surprise!

 I just love my co-workers!

I mean...I with them....essentially more than I am my own family!

They surprised me yesterday and it was just so special and I am thankful for them and that they took time out of their day to celebrate me!

 They had it decorated so nice! The JSU picture frame is mine to put my graduation picture in but to be funny...they put that picture in it! Always messing with me! :)

SO cute and SO delicious!
They went above and beyond!

Tyler even stopped by! I was totally surprised! I had NO idea they were doing this for me!

LOVE all of them!...and so very thankful!

They got me the most beautiful letter opener! I mean SO thoughtful! I open mail SO much with my job so for them to give a gift like this means a lot! It is so beautiful that I dont want to use it!

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