Saturday, April 29, 2023

DD barbeque!

 After graduation, Lex and I got home and changed then headed down to Oxford for her DD barbeque. 

Tomorrow is the Tea.

It is recruitment time so Alexis has to meet all the members, do interviews, and tell why she wants to be a member. 

Then, not sure when............

if she is selected to be in it, they will come and 'kidnap' her and then they will do the induction ceremony and then she will be a DD rat this upcoming school year before she becomes an actual DD member.

She was nervous they all were...but she said she enjoyed meeting all the girls and getting to know them more. She said some of the questions they asked her was 'hard' but that she felt she did good!

Here's to round two tomorrow! :)

These three walked in together so I had to snap a picture! :) Love these other two like my own!

The DD's and the potential pledges!

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