Sunday, April 9, 2023

We are the Easter bunny!

 I mean...

I can packed in some fun! I am the Queen! 

BUT whew, Saturday was FULL!

all the fun things...but it was for sure, packed! :)

Saturday night this fun group, though some were not pictured, took off and spanned Piedmont to Eastaboga (and everywhere in between) to deliver our Easter egg fundraiser!

This was a SMASH hit!

And....whew, we had a TON of deliveries to do!

My group got home a little after 10:00 and we crashed as soon as I stepped foot in my bed!


My group! We laughed SO hard! From putting eggs in the wrong house, to figuring that out about 45 minutes later so we had to go back and pick them allll up and move them to the house next door. Then me taking one wrong turn and ending up in Heflin before I knew it instead of back to Golden Springs. To having a neighbor of a home we were doing looking at us like we were robbers/creepers...and I am pretty sure he got my tag number! :)  To Hannah Kate thinking a slug peed on her because they had a yard with worms in soooo much more as we did it! SO much fun and memories made!

These bunnies did a great job! Such a fun night..but BOY was I tired! :)

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