Tuesday, April 4, 2023


 I am officially BACK among the living!

OH my goodness, this past week and weekend have been one for the record books!

Completing TEN Final Comprehensive papers that is a complete review of 10 out of the 12 courses I took almost was the death of me!



I am living proof you can have a family, a life, a job, and still go back to school....

I just would not suggest it! ha! :)

Go to school before you do allll the things I mentioned above! :)

I started my Master's in the Fall of 2020 so it has taken me 2 years...and a semester to complete it!

BOOM! :)

It has not been fun, not going to sugar coat it, and it has not been easy but I am grateful I took the plunge and SO much more grateful....

that it is over!

I am finishing my last class and then just finished my Final Comps so graduation is RIGHT around the corner on April 29th!

I am ecstatic that Tyler is right behind me and will be graduating this Summer!

I took 3 classes one semester and he just took 2 so he is a class behind me. 

Yeah....I survived taking 3 classes at one time too! That was a crazy experience also! :)

Goodness the lesson here are...you can DO more than you think you can! You WILL survive situations even when you think YOU wont, and tomorrow is a new day so make the best and MOST out of it and do all you can to be the best version of YOU!


here you go!

My TEN papers....

DONE! :)

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