Sunday, April 9, 2023

A special birthday....or TWO!


BIG birthdays this weekend!

Brandi with the BIG 5-0!


Nan with the BIG 7-0!

To age like Brandi and to the age of Nan, is a goal I hope to achieve!

We transformed our kitchen into a fine dining experience! The girls and I set everything up and it was so perfect!

We had such a lovely dinner celebrating the two birthday girls!

Welcome to the fine dining experience! :)

Brandi the BIG 50!

Nan with the BIG 70!

Brandi-circa 1973!

Nan-circa 1953!

I mean...gorgeous! 

Such a special party to celebrate two special ladies in our family!


Fam picture!

Happy birthday Brandi!

Happy birthday Nan!

Hope this next decade is fabulous for you!

And for Nan too!

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