Saturday, April 29, 2023

I did it! Master's check and check!

 Today was a wonderful day!

It was beautiful!

And this day will forever and always hold a special place and meaning to me!

Today I graduated with my Master's in Public Administration with a concentration in Administrative Management!

Whooooooo hoooo!

To say this journey has been a journey, well....that is an understatement but OH so worth it now that it is over! :) ha!

I am one proud Gamecock and today made it even stronger!

Now...dont you forget............I will always be a tiger..................


a gamecock is right up there now too!

My Lilybug and I!

Dr. Newton and I before the ceremony

Some of the grads that I had classes with. We all survived! :)


My hood. It is an odd thing, but I guess very important!

Such a special day!

Ready for this guy's turn next!

My girls!

Family picture!

My side!
Tyler's side!
Being hooded before announced with Dr. Newton!

On stage! The hug from Christie Shelton meant the world to me!

SO excited..........Im done! :)

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