Sunday, April 9, 2023

EEKK! Not touching a pickleball in awhile!


it was not pretty!

Tyler and I have been SO busy between our school work, our jobs, the girls, life, etc that pickleball has just been on the back burner since December!


and it showed Saturday! :)

I signed us up for the 1st ever JSU pickleball tournament for student scholarships since it was for a good cause. 


(1) I thought it would be more fun.....

(2) not 'as' competitive due to it being a fundraiser.....

(3) the woman over it put Tyler and I in a WAY higher skill level bracket than we should have been....but in her defense, she didnt know we havent played in months...


it was brutal....

we played 3 games before we had to leave and lost ALL 3.....

it was ugly!


I am not even sure we will play anymore after that just because it has been so long since we have played and we have kind of lost our 'love' for it....

but maybe we will get back into the groove! WHO KNOWS! :)

It was really good to see a good bit of our old 'pickleball crew' to which we have played with in the past! Seeing them was worth it!

The jury is out on when or if we will play anymore...

stay tuned! :)

Us partners!

We was a great turnout! 21 teams! That was the biggest tournament that we have been in! I hate we had to leave before it was over and didnt play all of our games but it was a GOOD thing because we would have gotten our butts kicked even more! ha! We should not have been in the category that we were...we should have been in the level below. BUT oh well, we had fun....

kind of! :)

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