Sunday, April 9, 2023

Our good Friday!

 Yeah. I. took. off.

After the past week that I had writing all of those papers....I needed to uncross my eyes, ice my fingers and just take a day!

Since the girls were out of school for Good Friday, I took off and we had the best little day!

I surprised them with Panera Bread. I never say yes to there so they were SHOCKED when I pulled in to eat there for lunch. I was not impressed. Way over priced and on top of that......the lady charged me for a whole meal that wasnt even mine. I thought I was about to pass out when she told me my total was $75.00! When she refunded me, the total was still crazy for a restaurant like that. Needless to say, not my favorite.

Then I surprised them with getting a pedicure! OH it was just what I needed to sit in that massage chair and get my toes done at the same time! We all enjoyed it!

Some shopping and some errands and then home the rest of the afternoon!

It was a perfection of a day off that I needed!

This one could be pampered on every single day! She would not mind! :)

This one wanted a different color....on a different toe and the lady (who does not speak English) was SO confused! Poor lady!

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