Thursday, April 6, 2023


 Eggs.....EGGS....and MORE eggs!!

I had the pleasure Tuesday night to host the JHS Varsity cheer to STUFF a TON of Easter eggs for our newest fundraiser.

Yeah I know!

I submitted my final comp papers and then turned around and hosted 25 people in my house who didnt leave until 10:30......


to say I am a zombie....

is an understatement....

but so worth it because it was a fun break that I needed and we had the best time bonding as a new team and getting A TON of work done too!

This is the biggest fundraiser YET and such a cute idea!

All the girls...and parents still have to put the eggs in the yards Friday and Saturday night so we still have some work to do but at least we got alllll the orders complete!

We all played some games and to say hilarious! OH my! The girls didnt think I would actually crack a raw egg in my living room........

so I got them! :)

I had to have some treats for some hardworking cheerleaders!

This is NOT even half the eggs!

Had the living room ready for a game right when everyone got there!

Ready for FUN!

This was so much fun and we played this at the end! Egg roulette! They had to pull a piece of the string and which string associated with the egg...was theirs to open! They had to do what the paper said whether it be eat a peep marshmallow with ketchup and mustard on it, sing for 2 minutes or crack a raw egg on you.....

so fun! 

This game was fun! They had to pick a kitchen utensil and try and collect as many eggs as possible blindfolded!

Lily had a pancake spatula! Bahaha!

It was harder than it looked.....they said! :)

I didnt get a picture of everyone....BOO! But all were there except the two softball players!...and then two tag along little sisters! :)

NOT even alllll the orders! You should have seen this before I grouped them and piled them up!

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