Thursday, May 25, 2023

3 Things!

 I love these posts! I should have done one sooner but time just slips away!

So 3 Things!


 1. Braces off and moving up in the world! She is just moving on up the ladder! She got her braces off which was a miracle considering we had 3 other appointments and she wasnt able. She learned her lesson on really needing to do what the doc says and wear her rubber bands so it finally paid off! She has a bright new smile to end her Freshman year and start Summer!

2. DD Pledge! She had the biggest surprise of her life the other week night when the DD sisters woke her up to singing and confetti! :) She is so excited to start this new and fun adventure with her friends and to meet new ones!

3. Driving! The girl is soooo close to that 15 year mark to where she takes her permit test! She has the cranking down and learning all the things is on her agenda so she'll be ready to start driving!



1. This one has just bloomed this year! Physically and mentally! I just cant get off how much physically she has grown but to see her excel at school has just been so great to see! She had her Academic/End of the School Year awards the other day and she came home with the 'Most Responsible' Award from her entire class. That, to me, is the best award she can get! Being responsible is a great quality and I am so proud of her!

2. All the things camp. This Summer Lily is going to some new camps like pottery camp and also ones she has done in the past. MY goodness...the girl....with alllll the questions and allllll the....'I need this for this camp, can I have this for that camp' talk! She is so excited.........and driving me crazy at the same time! :) She is so looking forward to her Summer!

3. Lily has to get 4 teeth pulled this Summer to crank up for braces. Got one out of braces just in time to get another one in! Whew! I hope the doc lets me on his yacht one day since I am buying it for him! :)

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