Saturday, May 20, 2023

A big day and an even bigger night-DD Pledge!

 Alexis had a big day with getting her braces off...

and then an even BIGGER night!

I thought and thought about going ahead and telling her it was coming...

then Tyler and I decided that we didnt want to tell her and to let it be a complete surprise as it was supposed to be!

I didnt know when they would be coming. I just had specific instructions to be home, leave the door unlocked, etc....

Well, they didnt come until 10:30!

She was asleep and they woke her up to the singing and the cheering...........

and ALLLL the glitter, silly string, and confetti! 

Yeah................when they 'took' her for their inanition night, I had a lot of cleaning up to do. :)

All the new pledges did their thing and then had breakfast at Waffle House. ha! 

She didnt get home until really early in the morning but had the BEST night with tons of memories that are going to last her a lifetime!

Cant wait to see her grow and meet new friends as a pledge and then next year when she becomes a member!

They all snuck in! :) I had to unlock the door first because Alexis locked it back because she noticed it was locked. I didnt know she did that so all the girls were standing on the porch so confused because it was supposed to be unlocked! So, I got them in....told them down the hall..........

and then Alexis was awaken to this! :)

Alll the fun!

Alll the DD's coming to get a new pledge! :)

Introducing all the new pledges from all the schools! Cant wait for Alexis to get to know all of them!

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