Monday, May 8, 2023

The rest of the trip and Briggs is 2!

 On Saturday we spent the morning hanging out and getting ready for Briggs' birthday party!

There were a lot of kids much playing and noise! :)

He went ahead and opened our gift! I just couldnt resist because they love these things and it is the cutest thing with him on it!

And see they love them! They already had two so the third one for Briggs was perfect! :)
Alllll the kids...and alll the toys and playing!

Cleaned up and ready to celebrate the birthday boy! Reese was cracking me up! She would not let me take a picture until I let her put the vacuum cleaner in the picture too!

Twins! We got them matching outfits at the outlets the day before! They loved this!

The birthday boy!
He is the cutest and sweetest thing ever!
TONS of things to do at the party!
The sweetest picture!

HAPPY birthday!

Us three!
After the party we spent the rest of the late afternoon doing this!

AND this!.............before closing the night with baths and bed! We got up Sunday morning to meet Mal and head home!

It may have been a quick trip but it was just perfection!

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