Monday, May 8, 2023

A quick little get away!

 It was perfect timing!

BOY we all need a break and some sunshine and sand!

Cousin time, laughing, eating, relaxing, celebrating were all on the agenda!


We took off on Thursday with Mal and Maggie to the beach! 

LaLa and Reese were already down there so once we were there, we changed and headed straight to the pool for the rest of the day before heading to eat dinner at one of our favorites out by where the boats and yachts come in!

It was soooo nice and just beautiful weather!

My riding buddy! SUCH a sweet girl and she did SO great both there and back in the car!

Reese was SO excited to have Lily and Alexis! I love how she is looking at them!

Lana got me a sweet graduation surprise!

Hitting the pool! SOOOO nice!

The next day we were up and out to the beach! Maggie's first time at the beach and it was SO special that we got to be there! We ended up not staying too long because we didnt want her to be out for an extended time so we left and then hit the pool before getting cleaned up and doing some shopping at the outlets and then dinner with the whole crew!

Our beach set up!

 These two were soooo busy playing and playing!

 Cleaned up and ready to eat!

They sure do love each other!

LOVE this picture! and love how Reese and Kennedy are holding hands!

Cousin picture!
These two...the best of cousin friends!
After dinner and fun...ICE CREAM!
We headed to Brittney and Mitchell's after dinner and stayed with them the rest of the time! Reese came with us and it was SO sweet to see all the girls together! They all had a blast!

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