Monday, May 22, 2023

Lily's last day of 5th grade!

 She is technically supposed to go half-days until Thursday...


Im letting her skip since 'no one else is going Momma!' 


I didnt get the end of the school year picture with my favorite sign.........

but I have one girl that is super pumped to be done with 5th and now considering herself a 6th grader already!

OH me! :)

Her 1st picture of the beginning of her 5th grade year!

To her LAST picture as a 5th grader! My goodness has she had a HUGE growing her this year! I cant get over the difference because Alexis never had a big one like it just shocks me! :)

Alexis on her last day of her 5th grade year! Compared to Lily's picture, I feel Alexis looks like such a baby in it!

Time sure does fly!

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