Monday, May 15, 2023

Mothers day again!

 The actual day was a beautiful one also!

We got up and had Church and then lunch with Nan, Pawpaw, and Brandi at Hubbards which was delicious! 

We came home and though it was Mother's day, I did laundry and we prepped for the week by a Wal-Mart grocery run, etc!

We finished the afternoon with a Starbucks and a Sonic run before playing a round of golf at Cane Creek!

The girls LOVED driving their own golf-cart and Tyler and I enjoyed hitting some balls!

For me to not have played in a very long time, I didnt do so bad. I had some good ones that really surprised me..............but I also had some really bad ones that the girls enjoyed getting a laugh out of while Tyler made comments like.......'What was that!?'....and 'What are you doing!?' bahaha!

A perfect Mother's day weekend!

My view!

Lex hit some balls and Tyler was her personal trainer!

OH Lily!.........had sooo much fun driving! Tyler only kicked her out once because she got mad at him because she thought he was going to take over the wheel and run into some geese and she didnt want to hit them so she took the cart on this big loop that was unnecessary.... bahaha!

He is a pro I tell ya!

Love our adventures!

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