Monday, May 22, 2023

Lily's awards day and a photoshoot too!

 So, Lily asked me to curl her hair this morning since it was Awards day....

and since she threw on a cute dress.......

I had to do a photoshoot! 

She didnt complain about it.......mainly because Callie was over by then and Callie wanted to!

So, last day of school ...............and awards day all in one!

No more chalkboard with the end of the year stuff/ date on it.

Lily has officially outgrown in! Soo.... boo! :)

She is saying she is officially a 6th grader now! :)

She is just growing!

Best friends since they were tiny!

My favorite!

Meet the 5th grade class!

Getting her awards!

She is a hardworking, determined, loyal person who strives to do her very best in all she does! So proud of her!

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