Friday, May 19, 2023

Lily's 5th grade field trip!

 She has wanted a field trip since the beginning of school!

They were told that they were not going to be able to fit one in this year so when she was told that they would get to go to Ruby Falls............even if it is so close to being the end of the school year.........

she didnt care and was SO excited! 

She was partnered with Callie, which made it even BETTER, and rode home with Mr. Ryan so she was SO happy!

She came in............and had a bag FULL of rocks............ that she bought with my money from the gift shop. Shake my head! :)

I have never been to Ruby Falls but after hearing from her how beautiful, we are going to need to make a family trip sometime!

Glad she had a great day!

Sweet friends!

Ruby Falls, so pretty!

Allll the rocks! :)

Alexis wasnt the only one to have a big day and a big night! To make Lily's day even better, her night was spent with Callie doing a sleepover! 
Both girls had a pretty great Friday!

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