Monday, May 15, 2023

Mother's day early love!

 Friday night we met Ben, Gran, Nannie, and Andrew at Baja for dinner to celebrate Mother's day with them! We enjoyed dinner before taking Alexis to her fun night and then heading home!

Saturday was pretty low-key! 

Tyler and Lily surprised me by washing and cleaning out my car! So nice!

It was a beautiful day so we enjoyed being outside!

Then they all surprised me and took me to Effina's for lunch. I have not eaten there in awhile so it was good!

We capped off the night with a birthday celebration for Chris since he is now the BIG 4-0 with hamburgers and hotdogs!

It was a great day!

This was the painting that Alexis made for me on Friday night! She was excited to give it to me when she got home Saturday morning! I love it that she thought of me to make it!

Lunch with my girls............and Tyler! :)

Came home to a beautiful day to watch these two!

Working hard! The best present I could have gotten were the canvas and this!

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