Tuesday, May 16, 2023


 I try my best to cook as many nights of the week that I can.

Some weeks it may be only once...

others it may be most of the whole week...

it just depends on what our schedules look like but on nights like last night...

it is good for the soul to sit around the table and talk about our day and enjoy dinner together!

Lily is the queen of setting the table. She usually has some type of 'game' that she has us do while we eat such as .............'Tell me something you love about the person that is on the paper.' or something like that.

She was not able to light the candle by herself, this time, so the candle isnt lit but normally we have a nice setting with a lit candle!

I love when they both come up and help me cook. They both love to help stir or cut something.

It is a nice time to slow down and be with each other among our busy days!

This night we had Italian!  Lily and I enjoyed the Farmer's market Saturday so we bought some fresh kale and then homemade bread so we were both excited to have it as our meal!

We play the Alexa and have instrumental Italian or jazz music as we eat too. It is a whole vibe! :)


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