Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Our Memorial day!

 We kept it low key and just relaxed at home....which is what we all needed. Tyler worked on a paper. I cleaned and washed clothes and the girls painted. They love painting canvas so they made it happen!

We enjoyed a last minute cookout with the Messers and the Rays since our original plans got all changed and it was perfection!

It kept them busy for a couple of hours!

Lily's end result! Hers turned out soooo much cuter and better than her inspiration!
Hanging proudly!
Alexis did a painting that is all the rage right now! I am not sure why or what...but of course what she paints and draws is perfection! She even added some sparkle!
It shines!

Love my new decor!

This crew....never a dull moment! I have no idea what they were doing/playing...but they did and they didnt want us to bother them. Count as a win! :)
Then it was time for us to watch a show from these two! They are two peas on a pod! I love their little bond! They made a poster that said the story of Snow White and the 1 dwarf! ha!

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