Saturday, November 30, 2013

War Eagle War Eagle War Eagle!!!

I about had 25,000 heart attacks throughout this game! What an awesome game! Now on to be SEC champions BABY!! 34-28 Auburn! All the Bama trash talking is now over! Whoo HOO!! :)
We enjoyed watching the game here at home. Tyler put the TV outside and until it got super cold...we enjoyed watching it out on our deck and smelling the grill and enjoying the great weather! The girls were sooo excited Auburn won! Lily cracked me up cheering so loud!! What a memory!!!

Daddy firing up the grill and enjoying the game with Alexis!
My big girl and me!!
The Auburn girls! They watched the whole game and cheered and shouted with Daddy and me! :)

Friday, November 29, 2013


Both Santa's lap....and NO tears! I call that awesome and a huge SUCCESS! :)
Lily told Santa that she wants a big blue dog...and Alexis told him that she wants a rabbit! {Alexis did at least clarify that she didnt want a real one...mainly because she said she knows Santa will not bring her a real one, because he didnt bring her a real kitty cat when she asked for last year} :)

This picture makes me hopeful for Sunday when we have "real" pictures with a "real"....nice looking Santa! :)
Even though...Santa here did a great job!!

It was sooo sweet, the other day I took Alexis to the Mall..and she told Santa what Lily wanted for Christmas! :) She told him that Lily wanted a doll and a Mr. Potato head! :) Santa asked her what she wanted.....and all she said was boots! :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013


There are SO many things that I am sooo thankful for. The list of things just doesnt end! I am soo very blessed! :) One of my favorite quotes: There is always always always something to be thankful for!! :)

We have had a great Thanksgiving! We kicked off Thanksgiving last night over at Gran's house. We had more of a non~traditional meal {which is nice because we get plenty of turkey at Nannie's!} :) We enjoyed talking and eating until it was WAY past two little girl's bedtime! We headed home and turned around and did more Thanksgiving today!
We enjoyed watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade until we headed to eat at The Classic with Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw! Alexis cracked me up because when we got out of the car she asked me if we were in New York!? {Because she said the restaurant was fancy!} ha!
We came home in time for naps and then turned around and headed to Nannie's and Hogan's house for more Thanksgiving food! It is always fun to hang out with Meg, Mal and Brit! So thankful for our families! :)

Eating at The Classic! Alexis said it is "fancy!" :)
The girls! thankful for them!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Snow day!

Today we enjoyed spending time with our great friends, the Grogans and the Johnsons! We headed to Gadsden to the Imagination Place. They are having a snow exhibit right now! It was really neat to play in "snow!"
It is always great to let the kids play their hearts out...while us Moms get to sit and relax...and talk! :)
All the kids...minus Laynee. {She didnt want in the picture}
The big Snowman...and Alexis. She called him Frosty! :)
Playing in the "snowballs!"
Alexis...and Alexis! :)
Going down the "snow slide!"
Lily loved the "snow machine!"
And....the most fun of all!.......Snow skating!! :)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rudolph the red nosed...

It is looking a little bit like Christmas around here! What else is there to do while having a week off from work?!?! Well...decorate for Christmas...and get pretty much all of your Christmas shopping done, of course! :)
That is exactly what I have been doing...and I feel sooo productive! :)
Our Livingroom tree!
The mantle
The Dining room!
Lily's tree!
And of course...Alexis with her pink tree!
In the livingroom! I love this! I love to see how both girls have changed throughout the past Christmas'
I love to see all the cute Santa pictures I have!
By the TV!
And...nothing better than after a nice warm bath...but to put on our Christmas pjs and cover up with our Christmas blankets! :) And....of course Lily has her giraffe! :)
And to make it even better....curling up and watching Rudolph the red nosed reindeer!! Alexis and Lily LOVED watching this! YAYY!!...for traditions! :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

We tried

Today marked yet another Wedding shower for Misty! I have to say Alexis was beyond excited about this! That is all she talked about the whole weekend. When we got there she went right up to Misty to ask her if she could help her with opening her gifts! :)
It was great to see old friends! I am thankful for Facebook because I get to keep up with them and see their kiddos grow! But, it was nice to actually see them all face to face today though!

Our attempt at a picture of some of the kids! We tried!
{The two to the left are Candy Christopher's kiddos} then my two! :) {And to the right is Charlie, Amber England's little boy!}

Friday, November 22, 2013


The STAR Student of the Week..... Miss Alexis Kayte Law! {insert applause, and cheering and clapping here!!} :)

Sooooo proud of my Student of the Week!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lunch with my Indian!

Today I had the privilege to have lunch with one cute little Indian! I have gotten to spend alot of time with Alexis at school this week...and loved every minute of it!! :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

And the Pilgrims and Indians unite!

I am soooo thankful that I have the opportunity now to be close enough to Alexis and Lily that I get to go to their special events at their schools. Today I got the chance to help with Alexis' Thanksgiving dinner reenactment! I had to help make 130 plates loaded full of cheese, grapes, goldfish, beef jerky, pumpkin pie and popcorn! Yes, it was interesting to say the least!
It was so cute to see all the Kindergartners dressed in their Pilgrim and Indian outfits that they made all by themselves! One of their teacher's talked about the Pilgrims and Indians and how the popcorn, beef jerky, etc represented what they ate on the first Thanksgiving! I am so glad I was able to go!
All the Pilgrims and Indians!
My brave Indian! :)

And I just had to take a picture of this cutie pie! I officially dont have a baby anymore! :(

Sunday, November 17, 2013

We are done!!

Today marks day 6!!!!...of NO paci for Lily!! Whooo hoo!! I am sooo proud of her! I decided Monday night that I was done with the paci, so I handed Lily her paci and told her that she needed to throw it away because she is a big girl and pacis are for babies and is yucky! Well...she threw it in the trash and said it was yucky!
 Tyler made me get it out and wash it because he didnt think it was going to really happen! {We have a whole stash anyways...}
But that night she cried a little bit for it, but after about 10 minutes...she passed out. The next morning, she opened the trash can and started looking around in the trash for her paci! I told her it was yucky and that she couldnt get it out of the trash! She said "Ewwww!!" :)....and didnt mention it again! Well, the rest of the week was has been the same way! She will say randomly that her paci is gone in the trash! She has slept great without it all week! We are finally PACI free!! :)

Sweet Lily!!

My tree climber! :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fall leaves are falling!

Fall is quickly coming to an end, but today we enjoyed a beautiful well as an AUsome WIN against Georgia!! WHOO HOOO!!
We have had a very busy week this week, and I feel like I just have not had a chance to catch a breath! :) Luckily today we made pictures so I could get our Christmas cards ready and enjoyed the beautiful Fall leaves!
WAARRRR Eagle!!!
Lily says YAYYY!!! Auburn WON!! :)
Lily says ROOOARRR!
War Eagle girl!!

Sisters!! :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday..with words! :) I was apart of a disaster recovery unit today (for work!!) Yes, I have been doing alot of fun things at work! :) There were about 30 of us that played "victims" of a disaster. We went in from all entries of the ER for all of our various problems, etc! It was really neat to be apart of it! The purpose was to help prepare RMC for when there are disasters (for them to have alot of patients flood in for help). There were all kinds of situations, from people who were "dead on arrival" having a heart attack, to a small cut and so on!
My problem was I had fallen and got a tree branch stuck in my leg! I was wheeled off in a wheelchair to emergency surgery! They made me feel like I actually had a branch in my leg! ha!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Book girl

We had a busy weekend yet again! Gran and I headed down to visit Andrew. It has been a long awaited visit. It was good to see him, and it felt like no one skipped a beat. My hope for Andrew is that this new journey of his will be bright and lessons of the past help guide and direct him for his future.
We enjoyed "touring" Mobile with shopping, movies and eating. :) Ben came from Enterprise to visit, so it was nice that he came down. I know one thing is certain...Mobile's roads are a mess! Not only are they hard to drive on, they change directions, etc out of no where! I was proud of myself during the Mobile trip!...I got a good bit of Christmas shopping done! Whoo hoo! :)

Daddy and the girls enjoyed their weekend still in Jacksonville with spending time with Nan and Pawpaw and football and church! :)

When I got home, we went to dinner to celebrate Alexis! She was SO excited about her "celebration" to Pizza Hut! She got to order her very own personal pan pizza...just the way she wanted it, with MUSHROOMS! That's right....she had her very own mushroom pizza because she completed her reading book program for school so she received a gift card! I am so very proud of her! :) It was sooo nice to be back home with my little family and celebrating my little girl! :)

Alexis cracked me up! She said "My very own mushroom pizza!" :) {yuck!} :)

Alexis' very first book that she checked out of the library! Mark it down in History! She was so proud that she finally got to check a book out! I love to see how excited she is when she reads! She has come so far in just a few short months of being in Kindergarten! She sounds the words out so well, and rolls right on through the pages! :)