Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A little bit of this and a little bit of that!

We have been living life here lately for sure!

Busy...busy...with homework, tests, studying, Church, ballet, cheer, Wednesday night dinners, volleyball games, football games thrown in the mix!
I love getting fun pictures of my girls loving and having fun at Church!
We LOVE Mrs. Angie!!
Alexis is doing a series on 'Trusting God'.....in all things no matter what! These pictures have been demonstrating how to trust God.
Alexis loved helping with dress up time during some of the illustrations!
Meanwhile, please say a BIG prayer for our sweetest little buddy Thompson {aka T-Nash} {he is the sweet one on the end towards the left} They did a very special goodbye send off to him yesterday where everyone wore gold/yellow for 'Going Gold for T-Nash' He has been battling cancer behind his eyes and left yesterday to head back to St. Jude in Tennessee to check status and make sure the tumors are not getting any bigger. Praying for him that they do not have to remove his left eye due to it being the weakest and it having a bigger tumor. Love him and his sweet sweet family too!
It is Homecoming week this week so all of the stud muffins headed to Ryan's to help cut out a TON of megaphones and footballs for the cheerleaders and football players on Saturday! They worked sooo hard and I can not wait to see the final product on Saturday during the Homecoming game!

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