Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lily's 5th birthday PARTY!

She had a party!

That is for sure!

WAYYYYY before it was even close to her birthday, she was already planning her party!

She would throw out all kinds of ideas...from cowgirl party with horses to a kittycat party, etc!

Then one day she came to me and said 'I have a great idea Mommy!' She then told me that she LOVED her 4th birthday party sooooo much that she wanted to have her 5th birthday party there again!

And so it was!

At the Imagination Place again!

And I think this party was the biggest hit of all! :) :)
Welcome to the party!!
I found this cute 'Owl' theme and Lily loved it so it worked great to have a 'Fall' type party! :)
Her cake was super cute...and good!

They ALLLL loved playing and playing! The Imagination Place is such a neat place to just let them run free and have fun!
Lily, Abby Grace, Imari and Callie
Lex, Caroline and Raybon having fun!
They LOVED the puppet show that was put on by Abby Grace's brother that came! :)

And then Lily decided she wanted to help be a puppet too!
They played and played!
Makenzie, Mr. Scott and Mrs. Katie loved digging!
Food time!!!
Ellie, Elyse and Lily!
LOVE this little cutie pie! Fireman Jackson to the rescue!!
WHHOOOOO are they! ha!
And....WHOOOO are they! :)
They all filled up on sugar! :)
And this side of the table did too! :)
Then it was time to sing happy birthday and eat cake
And then onto the FUN of presents!!

This sweet baby Molly! She loved going down the slide 10,000 times! And so did everyone else!!
And...whoooooooo is this!!
The Law crew with the birthday girl!
Cant believe she is 5! Love her more than she will ever know! :)

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