Thursday, September 29, 2016

Winding down Homecoming week!

Tomorrow is Friday!

Whoo hooo!

Even though I am happy tomorrow is is a recap of the end of our fun Homecoming week!

Wednesday we had 'See you at the Pole' to pray for our school, students, teachers, parents, etc. There was a great turnout and I was honored to be apart of it with Alexis. I was super sad that Lily didnt get to come, she has 'hand foot & mouth' so she has missed the rest of the week of school. :(
Wednesday also was filled with 'Oh the places we will go' day so they had to wear their favorite places. Alexis wore her new Nashville shirt that Nan got her when her and Pawpaw went on their trip. Alexis loves Tennessee....Gatlinburg especially so she was super excited to wear her shirt!
And look what came in! Her school pictures! I cant wait to see Lily's when she goes back to school next week! I think hers turned out so good and cant wait to see it in the Yearbook this year! :)
And today was 'Game of Life' where all the students wore what they want to be when they grow up. Alexis wore her old cheer uniform because she says she wants to be an Auburn cheerleader when she grows up! :)

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