Saturday, September 3, 2016

It is THAT time!

Yep, it is THAT time!!

1st games of the season!

Eagles WON! Eagles WON!

Now, onto WAARRR Eagle tonight!

Whoo hooo!!! :) :)

We took off up to Piedmont after an early breakfast this morning before the big games to enjoy some skeet shooting and driving in the cow pasture! Fun memories were made!
Look at this smile! She was grinning and smiling and laughing the entire time that she 'drove!' :)
Alexis was all concentration! :)
Then.........ready to roll!!!
Let's GO Eagles!
My little cheerleading Eagle!
She did awesome today!! I was super proud of them for it being their 1st game of the season!
The whole B-Team crew!
The whole little B-Team crew! :) :)
My two Eagles! Our boys played hard and we came out with a BIG win for our 1st game against Pleasant Valley!
After the game........BOY were we hungry so we ended the win with Cooter Browns with Nan and ran into and sat with this crew and their families too!
And I sit here, we just got home from the Fritts house watching the Bama game and the Auburn game! {along with 7 other families!} {pictures coming tomorrow, toooo tired right now!} :) Clemson just intercepted the ball as I looked up from the TV since we left at half time to get home and the girls to bed. BOOOO!! But literally as I type this, Auburn just intercepted it back!!! Hopefully Auburn will win! We shall see if I can stay up to watch it with it being the start of the 3rd and we still have the whole 4th to go! :) War Eagle!!
Talk about a great and FULL day!

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