Sunday, September 4, 2016

I managed to stay awake!


Auburn didnt win....

I managed to stay awake and I am glad I did because right towards the end of the game was some of the most exciting of the entire game!

Auburn played hard and literally with seconds on the clock, they were about to score but they just couldnt pull it out.  :(

We have had a weekend full of football and fun and ready for a day off again tomorrow with it being Labor Day!
Tyler and I took off to Auburn for a random 'fun day' on Thursday and spent the night and came back Friday. It was a nice little small 'get a way' and I just LOVE Auburn so it was nice to go visit and see the hustle and bustle of the game day crowd coming in. As I walked around the cute little shops around Toomer's Corner, I loved seeing all the girls trying to find the cutest outfit to wear to the game. :)
The girls enjoyed having Nan stay at our house as we were gone and they continued the regular groove of school.....tests.....ballet...jazz, homework! :)
When we got in Friday we decided to actually go to the game since Jacksonville was playing Saks! It is still 'weird' to no longer cheer for the Wildcats but I love our Eagles so happy they whoooooooped Saks! :)
It was a great afternoon for some football!
Saturday we got up early and hit the land in Piedmont before cheering on our little Eagles against Pleasant Valley. After that we came home and rested up and relaxed before heading to THIS goodness!
THIS my friends is FOOTBALL! Have I mentioned HOW much I LOVE 'football' food!!!!!! We had a vast variety this time! Everybody just brought what they loved which was awesome over to the Fritt's house. There were 7 families there! At one point I was worried all the kids were going to gang up since there was more of them! :)  I am SOOO happy it is football season! :) :) :)
These two are 'two peas in a pod!' They played everything from 'babies' to dress up! Notice their outfits! :)
This crew had a blast! There were a ton more friends....I just got these four to stop and take a picture real quick! :)
And today....Church day Sunday! This is a cute picture even though Lily's eyes are closed! Boo! We enjoyed lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before heading home for Math tutoring. Now, we are watching movies, Lily is eating a popsicle and Alexis left to go spend the night with Caroline! We are heading to have a Lake day with everyone tomorrow to enjoy our last day before we are back at it with work! :)
You know the rule...can't wear white after Labor Day! Well, she will wear it before and then of course she will break that rule even after tomorrow! :) :)

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